Карпфишинг - трофейная рыбалка и ее главный принцип «поймал - отпусти»!!! Однако, нельзя думать, что любая ловля всех видов карпа это и есть карпфишинг. Это далеко не так. Карпфишинг это целая философия ловли и вообще отношения к рыбе. В основе карфишинга лежит один неприкасаемый принцип – «поймал - отпусти», или в английском варианте «catch & release». Бездумный и постоянный вылов рыбы из водоема может привести к плачевным последствиям для его экосистемы, а учитывая, что данный вид ловли позволяет ловить именно трофейную рыбу, которую можно причислить к так называемому «маточному» населению водоема, эта проблема стоит острейшим образом. Плюс ко всему, если задуматься, мы в основном едем на рыбалку не за уловом, а для получения удовольствия от самого процесса ловли, поэтому само отпускание рыбы обратно в родную стихию добавляет красок в отдых на рыбалке и единение с природой. А замечательные фото с долгожданным трофеем остаются на долгую память!

"Carpomania" - всё о карповой ловле!!!

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Explore International Possibilities: Real Estate Prices Across the Glo

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https://i.postimg.cc/MGp1mwzH/c-ONb-XYG4-HJ0.jpgIn fact, it is not at all uncommon for the process of searching for real estate in foreign countries to be a difficult task for a variety of reasons. By the way, it is possible to make the task much easier, and the rent duplex abroad thematic website will assist in this in every possible way. It’s certainly no secret that the usual method of selecting a property in another country requires spending a lot of your energy and free time, and at the same time a considerable amount of finance, which many people have already verified by their own example. Of course, this kind of task becomes more complicated in the case when the country in which it is more practical to rent or purchase has not yet been decided, for example, a warehouse or a private house, based on the fact that you will have to study a lot of all kinds of advertising offers to the maximum. Please note that there will be no hassle if you use the web resource recommended above at the first request. This is achieved by the fact that on such an Internet site there is a decent amount of real estate in a variety of countries from well-known agencies, which is a significant advantage. In addition, it must be said that by going to the web resource it is not difficult to find real estate, regardless of whether you want to purchase a restaurant in the country of interest, or, alternatively, rent a cottage at a resort. Separately, it should be noted that searching for a property can be carried out by everyone using special filters on a web resource, and this is certainly very convenient. Let us add that the current offers on the portal contain all the required information about the property, including photographs and the total cost, as well as data and information to contact the owner of the property. In other words, it is possible to say with conviction that by using the above web resource you will certainly be able to find real estate abroad in order to rent or purchase it, in accordance with your personal needs and material resources.





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